There’s a breaking energy story that could potentially be a repeat of Texas’ multi-billion dollar Midland Basin…
A basin that has been producing since the 1930s and won’t reach peak production until 2035 at a phenomenal 3.8 million boe/d …
The most trusted name in natural resource assessments—Wood Mackenzie–says this new discovery is analogous not just to the giant Midland, with a development value of $540 billion, but to two other world-class basins.
In fact, it could become one of the most interesting stories of 2021… And the oil and gas rights to the ENTIRE Basin is owned by one small oil explorer that goes by the name of Reconnaissance Energy Africa.
One of the key men behind what could end up being the onshore exploration play of the decade, former Navy Submarine Force Yeoman Dan Jarvie, once searched the depths of the Pacific for submarines…
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Source: Oil Price